
Prof. Oderberg delivers the Annual Aquinas Lecture at the Univ of St Thomas, Houston, March 2024

Last updated: 18/10/24

David S. Oderberg B.A., L.L.B. (Melbourne), D.Phil. (Oxford)

Professor and Director of Postgraduate Research Studies

Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy UK

Department of Philosophy,

Edith Morley Building, 

University of Reading,

Reading, RG6 6EL, U.K.

phone +44-(0)118-378 5277; email

My chief interest is metaphysics, with major interests in philosophy of biology, moral philosophy, and publications across a range of areas including philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, and philosophical logic, among others. I have written books on metaphysics and ethics, and my latest book, The Metaphysics of Good and Evil, was published in 2020.  I am currently writing a book for Springer Nature: Investigating Biological Mistakes.                                           

The Metaphysics of Good and Evil (London: Routledge, 2020)